Djounelle | Case Coordinator at PJI Law, PLC | Fairfax, VA 22030

Case Coordinator


Case Coordinator

Djounelle has had an interest in law since she was a child. As she explored different areas of law, she was asked, “you like to help people, which area of law do you think would best allow you to help others?” Since joining PJI Law, she has learned the value in helping others through their estate matters. And now, she believes this is where she can best help others. Her deep consideration for people is reflected in the way she guides our firm’s clients through their legal matters. Djounelle wholeheartedly embraces the firm’s beliefs that our clients are entitled to as much information, as much guidance, and as much care from their legal team as possible, and she is more than ready to assist them with it all.

Djounelle has been caught writing: “We all do the best we can through this journey we call life, keeping each other in mind; and giving ourselves and others a little grace makes the journey a lot smoother.”

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